Induced Signal Susceptibility

RTCA DO-160 – Section 19.0 – Induced Signal Susceptibility


This test determines whether the equipment interconnect circuit configuration will accept a level of induced voltages caused by the installation environment.
This section relates specifically to interfering signals related to the power frequency and its harmonics, audio frequency signals, and electrical transients that are generated by other on-board equipment or systems and coupled to sensitive circuits within the EUT through its interconnecting wiring.
Power leads tested under Section 18 are exempt from this test.


The induced signal susceptibility tests category is defined with three letters. The first letter (C, Z, A or B) refers to the test level; the second letter (C, N or W) refers to the type of primary power supply installation; and the third letter (E or X) indicates whether equipment is qualified to “E-field into equipment” (paragraph 19.3.2) tests (E) or not (X).
Category C
Equipment intended primarily for operation in systems where interference-free operation is required and where severe coupling occurs due to long wire runs or minimum wire separation is identified as Category C.
  • Category CC: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is constant frequency (e.g. 400 Hz) or DC
  • Category CN: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is variable over a narrow frequency range (e.g. 350 Hz – 650 Hz)
  • Category CW: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is variable over a wide frequency range (e.g. 350 Hz – 800 Hz)
Category Z
Equipment intended primarily for operation in systems where interference-free operation is required is identified as Category Z.
  • Category ZC: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is constant frequency (e.g. 400 Hz) or DC
  • Category ZN: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is variable over a narrow frequency range (e.g. 350 Hz – 650 Hz)
  • Category ZW: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is variable over a wide frequency range (e.g. 350 Hz – 800 Hz)
Category A
Equipment intended primarily for operation where interference-free operation is desirable is identified as Category A.
  • Category AC: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is constant frequency (e.g. 400 Hz) or DC
  • Category AN: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is variable over a narrow frequency range (e.g. 350 Hz – 650 Hz)
  • Category AW: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is variable over a wide frequency range (e.g. 350 Hz – 800 Hz)
Category B
Equipment intended primarily for operation in systems where interference would be controlled to a tolerable level is identified as Category B.
  • Category BC: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is constant frequency (e.g. 400 Hz) or DC
  • Category BN: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is variable over a narrow frequency range (e.g. 350 Hz – 650 Hz)
  • Category BW: Equipment is installed on aircraft whose primary power is variable over a wide frequency range (e.g. 350 Hz – 800 Hz)

